Mary Strickland

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


GREAT NEWS. Mary had an MRI today and it came back clear. No evidence of tumor material. This is what we have all been praying for and we are very thankful for all of your prayers. We know it is not the end of the fight but it is a huge milestone. As treatments continue she is being taken off the Dexamethazone (a harsh steroid) over the next week or so. She was also scheduled for a Chemotherapy treatment but her platelet count was too low. She goes back on Friday to see if she can get the chemotherapy. Please be praying they will be able to take her off of the Keppra, (anti-seizure) medication. She has gone over six months since the last seizure. Again today is a very good day. We have no doubt your prayers are being heard and answered. Continue to pray for Mary’s blood counts to come up to good levels on there own with out infusions or transfusions. Thank you again and God bless you all.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

I know it has been a long time since I posted anything. I apologize for that. Mary’s blood counts came back up to an acceptable level for more Chemotherapy. Two weeks ago she had a full day of Chemo thru IV. One of CPT11 and one or Taxol. Then 5 days of Temodar (pill form). That made he a little tired for a few days but not enough to keep her down. Since then her counts continue to build with out any intervention. The end of this month Mary will have another MRI. As always they are continuing to tweak on her medication. They lower some doses and take some away while adding others. She is taking the Thalidomide (bio-therapy) now but whether or not she can take it long term is still undecided. It does have its side effects. Over all Mary is doing well considering everything. We continue to be blessed by all of you and we are very thankful. We continue to pray God’s blessing on you all. Thank you so much for all your prayers and support.