Mary Strickland

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Today at Mary’s chemotherapy appointment she was un-able to have the IV drip due to a low Platelet count. The range needs to be 150 to 450. Last week she had dropped to 132 but was still ok for the IV drip. Today she had dropped below 50 so both the IV drip and her daily Chemotherapy pills are on hold until at least next week when the re-check her Platelet Count. The Platelets are the blood cells essential for coagulation. The Oncologists concern is she would go so low that Mary would need a Platelet Transfusion. He wants to avoid that so we will wait a week and see what happens. If you didn’t know what Mary had been through the last 4 months, and she had her wig on, you would not know anything was going on. I am convinced, all of your prayers and keeping her lifted up before God is the reason she is doing do good. God is moving on her behalf in many ways. We are continually overwhelmed with the incredible support and generosity that we have been blessed with. Mary has had some visits with you that are almost like revivals to the soul. Many tears of gratitude have flowed in our family during this time. Pray for the Platelet Count to go up to what it needs to be. Mary has about two more weeks of Radiation left. The last few treatments are going to be intense and very focused so pray for her strength. The Radiologist says it can be physically draining. We pray God’s blessings on everyone of you that are praying for her. If you ever wondered if your prayers are being answered, I can assure you they are. The Physicians are seeing it to. They may not no what it is but they are encouraged by how Mary is doing and that, is the grace of God answering your prayers. We can’t thank you enough.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Tomorrow (Monday 12/18) we will be going back to the Surgeon for a scheduled follow up. She also will begin the fourth week of therapy; Radiation and two types of Chemotherapy. Radiation has taken its toll on Mary’s hair. Attached are some pictures so you won’t be surprised when you see her. Her spirit is good and her faith is high. She is experiencing the awesome power of people praying for her. She has not gotten sick from any of the three treatments she is undergoing. God does hear your prayers and Mary feels it. Mary has been completely awed by the grace God has given. The verse she asked to share is Phil 4:7 “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”
Many of the fine motor skills Mary had lost are coming back. She able to write in her journal and do many of the things she wasn’t able to do 3 weeks ago. Again, God’s grace and your prayers answered.
I have had to travel the last couple of weeks and again this week for a few days. I am continually overwhelmed by all the help and support we are receiving form all of you. Mary has enjoyed the visits by many of you who have come by to encourage her and pray with her or just say hi. She is working out with Stephanie, and Jamie once a week and soon will be very buff. I am going to have to do something to keep up. We know there is a lot ahead of us but God is teaching us to lean on him daily. It’s only right since all of you have been such a blessing to us that I take a minute and pray a blessing on you. You have heard this many times I’m sure, it is the blessing that the Lord spoke to Moses to tell Aaron and his sons how to bless the children of Israel. And now I pray if for you,
“The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace”. Num 7:24-26

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Yesterday Mary had her second IV Chemotherapy. That really runs her down. Today she said she is doing well, a little tired. She slept well last night and did not get sick. We believe all you prayers are help with the known side effects of all of her treatments. Mary is about to the point in her treatments were these side effects really start to appear. Please keep praying for God to intervene on her behalf and spare her any discomfort from these treatments. She did have a CT scan on Tuesday. There is a lot of swelling still so any reduction of Decadron (drug for swelling) is unlikely. We were hopping they would lower the amount she needs. It is a steroid and has negative side effects. Mary’s faith is high, and she knows God is still in control. We thank all of you for all your prayers, support, blessings and everything you are doing to help us in this time.

Thank you

It has taken me a week to figure out how or what to say. Last week we received an incredible blessing from many of you. I still don’t know how to say thank you in a way that really expresses our gratitude. The timing was perfect. All we can do is thank you and we always pray God’s blessings on all of you.

Thank you, Bob, Mary, Danielle, Shannon.