Mary Strickland

Friday, July 13, 2007

It's been a long time, Sorry

Sorry it has been so long since I updated this. Mary is doing well and going through Chemotherapy and biotherapy. She has and MRI every 8 weeks or so to monitor the progress. The last two MRI’s have been good. They are getting clearer each time. There is evidence of surgery but no real evidence of the tumor. The oncologist say she will continue with the Chemotherapy and Biotherapy having a MRI every 8 weeks. She is getting stronger. We have done some bike rides and out walking a lot. We were even going to climb a 14er last week but I took a digger playing softball so we had to cancel climbing Princeton with Shannon, Danielle, Ben and Crystal. So we went for a drive in the mountains. We wound up driving up Mt. Evens and then climbed up to the summit (14,249 feet). So actually we did climb a 14er after all. We are still thankful for all your prayers and support. On another note, for those of you who know Rich and Bernie Schiavone and have not heard, Rich was in a serious accident June 22nd and is still in St. Anthony’s Central. Please pray for his recovery as he is in a comma with a respirator but not on life support. They have a lot of support from family and friends which I know is very important. Mary and I know what a great blessing friends and family are. We appreciate you all.